Zooqle is a torrent site that is well known for having a wide range of digital stuff, including movies, TV series, music, games, software, eBooks, and more. It was established in 2013 and soon became popular among many torrent users due to its friendly user interface, rich content library, and reliable torrent files.
Zooqle primarily acts as a search engine for torrents and allows people to find diverse content types through various genres. Its website has a bare but operational search bar where one can type relevant keywords to find their favorite information. Moreover, Zooqle provides advanced search options that enable people to look for files of specific sizes, categories, languages, etc.
Once an interesting torrent is found by a person, he/she may check detailed information about it, like the volume of the file, the number of seeders or leechers, as well as the comments and ratings left by users. Seeders are those who have downloaded the whole file and are sharing it at present, while leeches are still downloading such files. By default, the larger number of seeders means faster speed for downloading them and more trustworthy torrents.
There is an option through which Zooqle gives its customers the chance to download torrents with BitTorrent or other compatible clients. These clients use the peer-to-peer protocol to allow users to share files among themselves. As soon as a person downloads any torrent file from Zooqle, he can open this file with his favorite client, which will start getting all associated contents from other individuals who have shared it there.
However, it should be kept in mind that not everything on Zooqle is legal. Many things available on Zooqle or similar sites might be someone else’s property being infringed on without permission granted by the owner. Unauthorized downloading or sharing of copyrighted materials constitutes piracy and may involve legal action.
Zooqle is a highly packed torrent indexing website with plenty of digital items you can choose from. Nevertheless, users need to be careful and make sure that they are only downloading or sharing what is legally owned by them.
Zooqle Alternatives